Over 400 people showed up to celebrate the grand opening of the John J. and Char Kopchik Hall at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania during a ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday.
The building has been in construction since 2020 and cost $90 million. It has over 140 thousand square feet and will serve as the university’s science and mathematics hub. The building is named in honor of IUP graduates Dr. John and Char Kopchik who made a $23 million dollar donation to IUP in April of 2018.
“Now it’s time for the new generations of students to get their education here and hopefully be stimulated by some professors and to go out and do things that change the world, That’s what we’re all about We’re proud of the students that are here now and will be here to see their future accomplishments.”
We spoke with a student about her thoughts on the new building and what it means for the future of the university.
“What it means to us is the opportunities that come with it, The change from sort of closed off environments to an open collaborative workspace. It’s going to be incredible for the students. It’s going to be a whole new environment for us and I see our research departments really expanding.”
The building will be open for classes this upcoming Spring semester.