State College Borough is firing back against the Centre region’s leading Sewer Authority after the Authority went to Court, claiming the Borough isn’t fully paying its bills. But in response, the Borough is now claiming its being overcharged by the Authority to the tune of Millions of Dollars.
The billing dispute between State College and the University Area Joint Authority ending up in Court in October when the Authority filed a Civil Suit claiming the Borough is underpaying its sewage treatment bills. The Borough has its own sewage collection system and uses UAJA for treatment and disposal. The two parties had a 20 year agreement that expired, and UAJA then decided to revise its rates, which included increased billing for the Borough. What has happened since then is where the two parties widely differ.
According to a new Court response filed by State College Borough — they claim at one meeting on attempting to reach a new agreement, last September the UAJA Executive Director Cory Miller was disruptive at best and at worst, openly hostile to trying to reach a resolution. The Borough goes on to claim its own consultants studying their past billing have concluded UAJA’s new rates are arbitrary and unreasonable, and that State College is being overcharged more than $6 Million by UAJA on an annual basis.