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RSV On The Rise

The CDC states that RSV, or the respiratory syncytial virus, causes lower respiratory tract disease and is a common virus that usually exhibits mild symptoms such as a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, fever, or wheezing. But it can also be more serious, resulting in shortness of breath and low oxygen levels. Infants as well as people that are 60 years of age and older and have comorbidities are more at risk of developing serious symptoms. Older adults and infants who get very sick from RSV may need to be hospitalized. Some may even die.

The FDA, or the U.S. Food and drug Administration approved the first RSV vaccine in May. The vaccines are now available in local pharmacies.

“It’s FDA approved for patients older than 60 years old,” said John Pastorek, Pharmacy Director at Mainline Pharmacy. “Patients that age should evaluate the risks vs the benefits of getting the vaccine, if they feel it’s something they may have problems with.”

RSV is spread through coughing and sneezing by those infected. It can also be spread through surfaces that have the virus on it. The CDC shows that up 120,000 people are hospitalized due to the virus each year, and up to 10,000 cases end in death.

“RSV in the older populations and immunocompromised patients, can be deadly or cause very serious problems, Kind of similar to Covid, the older and more vulnerable patients have more severe issues with the disease.”

According to the CDC the chance of an adverse reaction is the same as any other medicines.

“It’s pretty similar to most vaccines, The most common side effects are soreness at the injection site, swelling, redness, some fatigue, muscle stiffness If you’re someone who’s pretty healthy and you’re 60-61, maybe you don’t see the benefit in getting it quite yet but the older you get and the more comorbidities you have it’s probably worth looking in to getting one.”

For more information on the RSV vaccine contact your local pharmacy.

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