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Local Ambulance Support

Support your local ambulance services.

Nationwide, that plea is being heard more often with a critical shortage of emergency personnel and staffers for ambulance companies, and it comes as the calls for service in many areas are increasing.

Post pandemic, for many ambulance companies, it’s still been a very busy time, with service calls increasing.

For the State College-based Centre LifeLink emergency medical services, it’s not unusual to receive 35 or more calls during Penn State football Saturdays.

“What is happening with our organization is that, year to date, thirteen percent of our call volume is outside our immediate service area. Because other neighboring services are struggling, either they don’t have the staffing, or they’re busy with a call already.”

Centre LifeLink officials joining many other ambulance services in urging people to sign up for a membership.

It helps pay their expenses and will cut your bill if you ever need to use an ambulance.

In terms of staffing numbers though, Centre Life Link does have a vital support network.

“We have the university in our backyard. We have many students who come in and know they want to be a physician or nurse, so they’ll take our EMT course and then want hands on experience so they’ll become a volunteer or part-time employee.”

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