The Johnstown park being dedicated to former EMS worker, Janice Keen-Livingston, who tragically died in an accident March 2nd, 2015, is making progress according to project volunteers.
Today they held a basket party at the Richland Volunteer Fire Department to raise money to go toward the park.
Members of the Janice Keen-Livingston memorial park project say it will be the only park in the area to honor members of all branches of emergency services.
Right now, the park is just getting started, but the first phase is done.
Volunteer for the Janice Keen-Livingston memorial park fund Mark Britton said, “The first phase of the park is already completed with the walls and some sidewalks being put up. Our second phase that we’re hoping to start here around June or July. We’ll be starting our electric phase.”
Project organizers say while the park is to honor members of emergency services, they welcome anyone mourning a loss.
“The electric part is for the lights to light up the walls, to light up the sidewalks to give people that feeling that when they come in there they can go and say a prayer or do what they need to do for not only first responders but anyone they have lost over the years,” Britton said.
Mother of Janice, Debra Keen, said, “We’re excited to have the groundbreaking. We have the groundbreaking in July finally.”
“Janice’s memory will never be forgotten and with that park over there it’s a memorial for all first responders that were killed in the line of duty,” Britton said. “We hope to God we never have to add another name to that.”
Keen said, “We just want to keep her memory alive because of the tragic accident.”