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Governor Shapiro Visits Johnstown YMCA

Governor Josh Shapiro spoke with local leaders in Cambria County showcasing what he calls bipartisan work aimed at giving more money back to Commonwealth residents.

Reporter Stoker Wieczorek was at the Greater Johnstown YMCA today where the conference was held. Here’s the story

“It’s the most effective and efficient legislature, because we are putting more money in people’s pockets than any time in recent history.”

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, YMCA leaders, and State Lawmakers gathered at the Johnstown YMCA, on Monday.

They’re highlighting bipartisan efforts to cut costs for Commonwealth families, including ones in Johnstown.

“As an organization with a long history of offering programs to youth and seniors here at the YMCA, and have been an integral part of the community for a hundred and fifty years.”

Leaders say action from the Shapiro administration will help hundreds of members of the community who depend on childcare, the dependant tax credit, and tax rent rebate, afford programs like ones at the Johnstown YMCA.

They say the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program (or PTRR) is supported by funds from the Pennsylvania Lottery and Gaming.

“Thirty five more people getting help thanks to this bipartisan work we did together.”

“This is incredibly important for our seniors, and it’s putting money back in their pockets. But listen, we can’t stop there.”

Shapiro says this matters just as much to families. He says the state credit is now equal to %100 of the federal credit, compared to jumping from where it was before, at %30.

Shapiro says this gives thousands of dollars back to qualified Commonwealth residents, including 1,300 families in Cambria County alone. The Governor says this takes strain off families taking care of kids, who now have the option go to developmental programs in our region.

A mother from Johnstown says this is a big help in her life.

“I absolutely love that I can come here, drop my kids off, know that they’re in good hands, in good loving hands. And I can go do what I have to do.”

Senator Wayne Langerholc says he is glad to see progress being made..

“It’s good to see that come to fruition, because we know when people, when families can work, that have children, that helps everyone. That helps with the economy. That helps generate economic activity.
And with respect to the rent rebate, that’s a tremendous offer as well.”

“Not only is it a bigger rebate, but also the qualifying income has gone up a lot more, to make a lot more people eligible.”


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