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Cambria County 911 Center Upgrade

A major public safety upgrade in our region, according to local officials. The multi-million dollar project celebrated with a ribbon cutting in Cambria County Wednesday.

Cambria County commissioners and the Cambria County Department Of Emergency Services tell me they expect the new system they have to keep first responders and the community safer for years to come.

The ribbon cutting was held at the Cambria County 911 center, in Ebensburg at 3 in the afternoon.

This upgrade being specifically for the radios that first responders and law enforcement officers use, according to officials.

They say the funding for the project is both from the county and from the state.

Officials say the system has been working well, since getting it.

“So far, so good. We have to tweak everything, you know. It’s policies, procedures. You, know, if we have some equipment tweaks we have to do, those will be recognized by our field responders. I want to applaud them for their patience, and understanding to get the system up and running.”

Officials also say these units transmit signal at around 800 megahertz, which officials and select organizations in our region say provides a higher level of radio coverage.

“We did have some healthy discussions, that we wanted it to work. We wanted to be on time, but we didn’t rush.”

Emergency officials say their equipment can be upgradable as they move forward.

“When your adrenaline is pumping, and you’re in a fire, or you’re in a situation where you need to be clear about what’s going on, this is needed very badly.”

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