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Pa Senior Care

The state-wide senior care crisis has caused thousands of low-income seniors to lose their places in assisted living facilities while also putting thousands of care workers out of their jobs.

The 2023-20234 Pa State Budget was just signed by Gov. Shapiro last week, but many senior care organizations are warning that the still yet to be signed fiscal codes are halting state medicaid reimbursement updates.

In a press release, the Pennsylvania Health Care Association stated that Nearly 4,000 medicaid-reliant residents at 70 nursing homes are positioned to lose, on average, $19 a day in funding for their care.

This is a result of changes in data to calculate reimbursements by the department of human services.

Last year’s agreement to increase nursing home staffing requirements in correspondence with medicaid reimbursement funding is also set to fall short this year according to the PHCA. They stated that

Governor Josh Shapiro’s budget proposal for nursing facilities and the budget that currently awaits his signature includes an approximate $3.99 per resident per day (prpd) funding increase.

PHCA has advocated for a $12.50 PRPD increase to cover the cost of the state’s staffing mandate, as well as investments to enhance the care of our loved ones and neighbors.

State agencies are urging the Pa Senate to act in accordance to the rising costs, the PHCA stated that

“PHCA and its members are asking Governor Shapiro and the legislature to support their mission of caring for the state’s most vulnerable population by fully funding the 2024 staffing ratio increase, and by returning to
Harrisburg to correct the issue with the state’s rebased reimbursement rates before providers are forced to make unwanted operational decisions.”

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