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Man Froze To Death In Moxham Home

A Johnstown man was found dead in his home last week and officials say he died from Hypothermia.

The County Coroner says the man had been dead for about a week before being discovered

Cambria County Coroner Jeff Lees identifies the man as 59 year old Robert Procious from the Moxham neighborhood of Johnstown.

Lees says his home was 18 degrees when he was found on Friday.

Investigators say the home does have a gas hot water furnace but his family told Lees, it along with the water had been shut off for about two years.

Lees say the utility companies did shut the heat off but it is not known what time of year that was.

Procious did ask for assistance from a program at one point Lees says the family of the victim tells him but they say he did not receive the help.

The State Program LIHEAP which does assist in these situations tells me it cannot comment on specific application because of privacy issues.

But officials to encourage people to apply for assistance if needed.

“He did have several layers of clothing on whenever he was found like I said in a second floor bedroom, and the temperature of that bedroom was 18 degrees. His core body temp was 22 degrees.”

Lees reminds family and neighbors to check in on each other as much as possible this time of year.

And the Cambria County area agency on aging says that is especially for older adults.

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