On May 20, 2024, a horrific explosion/fire tore through a camper in a campsite in Huntington, PA. Unfortunately, Francie and Annette Glenn were in the camper.. Both were rushed to UPMC Altoona. Upon getting to Altoona, the hospital staff felt Annette sustained inhalation injuries so she was quickly intubated. Due to the severity of their burns, both were flown to UPMC Mercy hospital in Pittsburgh. While in flight, Francie began exhibiting signs of a heart attack so upon landing in Pittsburg he was taken through the ER straight to the Cath lab. Fortunately, he did not sustain a heart attack and they felt the signs he exhibited were due to stress. He then was admitted to the Burn unit ICU, just a few doors down from Annette.
The couple had a long road and many hurdles to overcome since that tragedy, but they are extremely grateful to their community for overwhelming support. They are with us today to tell us about their experience, recovery, and appreciation of their community.